Legal info

In accordance with German law:

Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe

Self-employed translator and editor

Schwarzer Weg 1

34132 Kassel Germany

+49 (0) 561 937 1242

USt-IdNr. DE25 82135412

Responsible for the contents of this site according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:

Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe

Schwarzer Weg 1

34132 Kassel Germany

Data privacy statement:

It is expressly forbidden to use the contact data required by law for advertising or data collection purposes which have not been explicitly approved or requested by the owner of this website.

The contents of this website are copyrighted and may not be used in any manner without the express written consent of the author. It is likewise expressly forbidden to make them available via an external URL without my consent.

See the data protection and privacy page for more details about this site’s use of personal data.

European Union Platform for Online Dispute Resolution:

An EU commission has created an internet platform for the online resolution of disagreements between consumers and traders. You can access the portal at the following address

© Copyright 2024 Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe

Header photo: Löwenburg in Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, Germany